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Photo by Paul Seaby
At This Stage
A dark meta-theatrical thriller about obsession
and the unavoidable ephemeral nature of
Have you ever loved a show so much that you
wished you could kidnap all the actors, keep
them in your basement and get them to perform
it again for you? No? Just Rupert?
A troupe of young actors are ready and willing to let go of
their most recent production and move on to bigger and
better things, but Rupert isn’t going to let that happen. He
can’t let the show die. There are a few things you should
know when trying to save a play from death. Thing number
one: the actors aren’t gonna like it.
At This Stage is a play which
gleefully, and knowingly, joins
the millenia-old queue of
those commentating on
the gap between life
and art.

06 OCTOBER 2019
Old Red lion Theatre London
24 november 2019
Applecart Arts Theatre London
02 November 2019
Shoebox Theatre Swindon
12 October 2019
Absolutely incredible, easily the best show I’ve seen at the fringe. I felt I was on the edge of my seat the whole time.The actors were amazing and believable and the storyline was so different.
Audience review

Photo by Paul Seaby
Writer &
Director Megan Young
Lighting and Sound design &
operator Robyn bedford
Stage manager Roma radford
producer andrei cotocu
Rupert Connor Mcphee
colin lewis grimshaw
maisie bridget russon
tiff lizzi egan
red andrei cotocu
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